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Salisbury Tennis Club
Salisbury Tennis Coaching

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League 2025

Our internal Floodlight League competition is a popular way for members of Riverside to play competitive yet fun tennis throughout the winter! It runs annually from October to March. It includes players from all abilities divided in teams of four – A, B, C and D players.  On the day there are three rounds to be played, each round consisting of two sets of doubles.    

Matches will be played on Mondays or Thursdays at 7.30pm (matches rearranged due to bad weather may be played on any day of the week as organised by the team captains). Depending on the number of entrants we may run a second league in the new year.






If you need a replacement for a match, it is your responsibility (not your team leader’s) to arrange one. Chose a reserve from the list in your category or BELOW.

If NO reserves are available then you can try another team member in your category or below.

If you have asked all the reserves and other players and still cannot get a replacement, contact Sarah George - 07598 230644

When you have arranged a replacement, notify your team leader.

If you are forced to drop out of the league, or cannot play for 3 or more consecutive matches, notify your team leader, and contact the Tournament Committee who will arrange for a suitable replacement.

The Tournament Committee will monitor reserve selection. If the procedures are not followed, the Committee will take what they deem to be appropriate action and may deduct points from teams in breach of the procedures.


Check your start times on the fixture list - they may ALL be different! Please arrive promptly and go straight onto court– again see the fixture list to see which courts you are on. If you will be delayed by more than 5 minutes, contact your team leader to tell them when you are likely to arrive (see Late Arrival section for the procedure if you haven’t arrived by 5 minutes after your start time).


1st round AC v AC BC v BD

2nd round AD v AD BC v BC

3rd round AB v AB CD v CD

Each round is 8 games with a sudden death 2nd deuce (category to category ie C serves to C etc) – change ends after 4 games. Each win is worth 2 points and a draw (4-4) is worth 1 point each.


Each player/reserve pays £4 per match. To avoid handling cash, we are offering to run a ‘tab’ – pay a lump sum upfront (you choose how much) and top it up whenever you need to - you can use it for tournaments, club matches, coaching and floodlights. Reserves may like to pay after each match or they can also pay in advance.

Please keep your own records – pay promptly and/or and make sure that your tab doesn’t run out of funds.

Failure to pay may make you ineligible for future matches.

Payment should be made by BACS (or regular standing order if you prefer) to the club account:-

Riverside Lawn Tennis Club

Sort code: 40-40-14

Account no: 20701726

Please put TAB (or FLIT if you just want to pay as you go) as the reference, plus your name, if it is not clear from your account name who you are.



Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the match and:

1.         Switch the floodlights on.

2.         Switch the floodlights off as soon as play on a court has finished.

3.         Padlock the courts and ensure all doors are locked at the end of the evening.


1.         Get match balls from the club house – these do not need to be brand new but must be acceptable to everyone.

2.         Follow the Late Arrival / No Show procedure if necessary. (To avoid this, it may help to remind your team about the match, asking for confirmation that they are playing.)

3.      Please ensure that one of the Team Leaders fills out the scoresheet and sends a photo of the completed sheet to or 07598 230644.


Team Leaders have discretion if there are unavoidable circumstances. However, unless both team leaders agree a different approach before the start, the following rule applies: If a player has not arrived by the start, the team leader should contact him/her. If he/she cannot be contacted, a reserve in the same category or lower should be found (following the rules above). If the player/reserve is not on court 20 minutes after the start, their team will concede the first 4 games, if the player has not arrived by 35 minutes they will concede the first match 8-0.This continues in 15 minute intervals conceding 4 games each 15 minutes.


A match can be postponed before play starts, or abandoned after play has started, only if both team leaders agree conditions are unfit. If a match is abandoned after 2 rounds are completed, then the score after 2 rounds is ratio-ed up (multiplied by 1.5) to give a final result. If it is abandoned before 2 rounds are completed, the match should be re-arranged (played from scratch as if it were postponed before play started).


The team leaders have three weeks from the original date of the match to agree a new date for the match to be played and tell the Tournament Committee. Rearranged matches can be played on any day and at any time that courts are available. Team leaders should get confirmation from their team that they are available to play on the new date. If no date is agreed within three weeks, the committee will set the date and tell the team leaders.


If you have questions, comments or feedback, please contact Sarah George on:-  or mobile number 07598 230644.

Fixtures & Results 


Our internal Floodlight League competition is a popular way for members of Riverside to play competitive yet fun tennis throughout the winter! It runs annually from October to March. It includes players from all abilities divided in teams of four – A, B, C and D players.  On the day there are three rounds to be played, each round consisting of two sets of doubles.    


If you are unable to view the fixtures, results and tables by clicking the button below, you will need to set up a Google Account and sign in.

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